Let’s get suited up for a day in the water! I’ve got long sleeves, a neck collar and a relaxed comfortable fit to allow you to enjoy life outdoors while staying protected from the sun.
Don’t forget I’m constructed with C-Infinity which provides UV50+ protection from the sun.
I’ve got a half-length front zip to help you get in and out of me easily and I’m a fine specimen that is exceptionally well made for durability and comfort.
ECO C-INFINITY is the same superior quality polyester construction that you’ve come to trust from our C-Infinity fabric, but manufactured from end-of-life plastic water bottles. Providing 100% chlorine resistance and exceptional colours, ECO C-INFINITY gives a new life to waste, reducing our environmental impact and keeping our customers swimming day in and day out in the brightest swimwear on the market.
A new diet that everydoctor who isnot registered by any medical board is raving aboutis the Dinodiet. Say good bye to the datedPaleo rubbishand startsourcingdinosaur bones from your local museum to crushin yournutribullet with prehistoric ferns and asteroid dust to create the ultimateextinction-proof diet. You are what you eat, so why not be a dinosaur.
Funky Trunks - Dino Soup - Toddler Boys Zippy Rash Vest